Resource Management by Smartsheet (2024)

',{ class : 'headerBucketSubHeader', html : textDesc }).appendTo($bucketLayer); var $buttonWrapper = $('

', { class : 'button-wrapper', }).insertAfter($subHeaderText); //Add button1 if it exists if (button1title != undefined) { var $certificationLink = $('', { class: 'get-certified header-links', href: button1link }); var $certificationButton = $('', { class: "get-certified-button header-buttons", text: button1title }); $certificationButton.appendTo($certificationLink); $certificationLink.appendTo($buttonWrapper); } //Add button2 if it exists if (button2title != undefined) { var $subscriptionLink = $('', { class: 'get-subscribed header-links', href: button2link }); var $subscriptionButton = $('', { class: "get-subscribed-button header-buttons", text: button2title }); $subscriptionButton.appendTo($subscriptionLink); $subscriptionLink.appendTo($buttonWrapper); } $bucketLayer.appendTo($headerBucket); $headerBucket.appendTo($headerContainer); }); $headerContainer.appendTo('.catalog-header'); //Add the class to control the width of the buckets. // $('.headerBucket').addClass('W-' + x); var counter = 1; for (y=0; y<=imgURL.length; y++) { $('#bucket' + counter).css( { "background":"url('" + imgURL[y] + "') center center no-repeat", 'background-position': 'right' }); counter++; } $('.hero').css('display','none'); // $('.loadCover').fadeOut(1000, "swing");}});

'; $('.sj-page-checkout .payment-method-selection').before(htmlContent); /*$('.sj-page-checkout .payment-methods-container').append( $('

').append( $(htmlContent).addClass('small-12 large-10 large-centered columns') ) );*/ } //Start Hide Lesson Progress 06Feb2020 if (typeof skilljarCourse !== 'undefined') { if (skilljarCourse.tags.includes("HidePercentage") && !($('#main-container').hasClass('lesson-page'))) { var x_of_y_completed = document.querySelector('.sj-page-curriculum .sj-text-x-of-y-lessons-completed'); var progress_bar = document.querySelector('.sj-page-curriculum .progress-bar'); = "none"; = "none"; } } //Start hide next button if (typeof skilljarCourse !== 'undefined' && skilljarCourse.tags.includes("HideNext")) { $('.next-lesson-button').css('display','none'); } // Replaces id of header nav as to avoid duplicates with the sidebar search component 9/2020 $('#catalogSearchInput').prop('id', 'catalogSearchInputSide'); var $ttest = $('catalog-courses') //Hide the price of the course if you already registered or completed the course if ($(this).find('.sj-course-ribbon-text').html() != '') { $(this).find('.sj-course-ribbon-wrapper').siblings('.storefront-price').addClass('custom-hide-price'); } var featuredCounter = 0; var catCounter = 0; //Go through the coursebox containers and perform tag functions $('.coursebox-container').each(function() { //Change the HREF of courses with Code_ILT_AutoRegister if($(this).attr('data-tags').indexOf('code-ilt-autoregister') > -1) { $(this).attr('href',$(this).attr('href') + '?reg=1'); } //Add the tile category only if the catalog page isn't blocking it with the tilecategoryblock tag if(skilljarCatalogPage.tags.indexOf('TileCategoryBlock')==-1) { if ($(this).attr('data-tags').indexOf('tilecategory')>-1 && $(this).attr('data-tags').indexOf('tilecategoryblock')==-1) { var tileCat = $(this).attr('data-tags'); tileCat = tileCat.slice(tileCat.indexOf('tilecategory')+13,tileCat.length); if (tileCat.indexOf(',') > 0) { tileCat = tileCat.slice(0,tileCat.indexOf(',')); } $(this).find('div:eq(2)').after('

'+tileCat+''); } } //Hide the price of the course if you already registered or completed the course if ($(this).find('.sj-course-ribbon-text').html() != '') { $(this).find('.sj-course-ribbon-wrapper').siblings('.storefront-price').addClass('custom-hide-price'); } //Hide a course until it's registered. This is used for instruction courses in bundled packages. The Instruction course is auto registered when a user buys the bundle. if ($(this).find('').html() == "" && $(this).attr('data-tags').indexOf('hideuntilregistered') > -1) { $(this).css('display','none'); } //Featured Course Blade check for featuredcourse-fullbanner if ($(this).attr('data-tags').indexOf('featuredcourse-fullbanner')>-1 && $(this).attr('class').indexOf('search-only')==-1) { featuredCounter++; var url = $(this).find('.coursebox-image').children('img').attr('src'); //var url = ''; feauturedCourse = $(this); var featuredTitle = feauturedCourse.attr('title'); var feautredLink = feauturedCourse.attr('href'); var feauturedCourseDesp = feauturedCourse.find('.coursebox-text-description').text(); var feauturedCoursePrice = feauturedCourse.find('.storefront-price').text(); //define button text based on the ribbon on the course- FIX THIS -perhaps because ribbon text is not on the same page? if ($(this).find('.sj-ribbon-text').text() == 'Active') { var featuredButtonText = 'Start Learning'; } else { var featuredButtonText = 'Activate the path'; } // Heading and description for two-up blade 3 layer div nest if (featuredCounter > 1) { //var siblings = $(this).nextAll(); $("

", { class: "catalog-center-width catalog-center-width" +featuredCounter, id: "catalog-content catalog-content" + featuredCounter, html: '

' }).insertBefore('#catalog-stubs'); /*$("

", { class: "course-listing", id: "catalog-courses catalog-course" + featuredCounter }).prepend(".catalog-center-width" +featuredCounter);*/ $("

", { class: "two-up extraTop", id: "two-up" + featuredCounter }).insertBefore(".catalog-center-width" + featuredCounter); $(this).nextAll().appendTo('.course-listing'+featuredCounter); } else { $("

", { class: "two-up", id: "two-up" + featuredCounter }).insertBefore("#catalog-content"); } $("

", { class: "container", id: "container" + featuredCounter }).appendTo("#two-up" + featuredCounter); $("

", { class: "text", id: "text" + featuredCounter, }).appendTo("#container" + featuredCounter); $("

", { class: "field-text-body", id: "field-text-body" + featuredCounter }).appendTo("#text" + featuredCounter); $("

", { class: "featured-course-title", id: "featured-course-title" + featuredCounter, text: featuredTitle }).appendTo("#field-text-body" + featuredCounter); $("

", { class: "featured-course-description", id: "featured-course-description" + featuredCounter, text: feauturedCourseDesp }).appendTo("#field-text-body" + featuredCounter); //only show the price if the course isn't purchased yet if (featuredButtonText.indexOf('Purchase') > -1) { $("

", { class: "featured-course-price", id: "featured-course-price" + featuredCounter, text: feauturedCoursePrice }).insertAfter("#featured-course-description" + featuredCounter); } $('', { class: 'course-url', id: "course-url" + featuredCounter, href: feautredLink }).appendTo("#field-text-body" + featuredCounter); $('', { class: "featured-course-button", id: "featured-course-button" + featuredCounter, text: featuredButtonText, }).appendTo("#course-url" + featuredCounter); //Add an invoicing button if ($(this).attr('data-tags').indexOf('featuredbutton-invoice')>-1) { $('', { class: "featured-course-button", text: "Buy multiple seats - request an invoice", }).appendTo("#course-url" + featuredCounter); } // Images for two up blade $("

", { class: "graphic", id: "graphic" + featuredCounter }).appendTo("#container" + featuredCounter); var image = new Image(); image.src = url; $('#graphic' + featuredCounter).append(image); //Hide the original course $(this).css('display','none');} //Go through the coursebox containers and perform Categorization function //category course check if ($(this).find('.coursebox-text').html().indexOf('Category Course')>-1 && $(this).attr('class').indexOf('search-only')==-1) { var categoryDisplayName = $(this).find('.coursebox-text').html(); categoryDisplayName = categoryDisplayName.trim(); categoryDisplayName = categoryDisplayName.substring(16,categoryDisplayName.length); var categoryIDName = categoryDisplayName.replace(/\s+/g, ''); catCounter++; var categoryCourse = $(this); // Heading and description for two-up blade 3 layer div nest if ($('.' + categoryIDName).length == 0) { //var siblings = $(this).nextAll(); $("

", { class: "catalog-center-width catalog-center-width" +catCounter, id: "catalog-content", html: '

' + categoryDisplayName + '

' }).insertBefore('#catalog-stubs'); $(this).nextAll().appendTo('.course-listing'+catCounter); } //Hide the original course $(this).css('display','none'); }});//add extraMarginBottom class to all course-listing divs but only if it has more than one child div. One child div indicates that the category course is the only course in that div and doesn't need the extra margin$('.course-listing').each(function() { if ($(this).children().length > 1) { $(this).addClass('extraMarginBottom'); }});});

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Resource Management by Smartsheet (2024)
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Article information

Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Last Updated:

Views: 5645

Rating: 5 / 5 (50 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.