Patch typescript to allow custom transformers (plugins) during build.
Plugins are specified in tsconfig.json, or provided programmatically in CompilerOptions.
Migrating from ttypescript is easy! See: Method 1: Live Compiler
Patch typescript installation via on-the-fly, in-memory patching oras a persistent patch
Can patch individual libraries (see ts-patch /?)
Hook build process by transforming the Program(see: Transforming Program )
Add, remove, or modify diagnostics (see: Altering Diagnostics )
Fully compatible with legacy ttypescript projects
(new)Experimental support for ES Module based transformers
Table of Contents
Method 1: Live Compiler
Method 2: Persistent Patch
Plugin Options
Writing Transformers
Source Transformers
Source Transformer Entry Point
Source Transformer Example
Altering Diagnostics
Program Transformers
Program Transformer Entry Point
Configuring Program Transformers
Program Transformer Example
Recommended Reading
Recommended Tools
Advanced Options
Help Wanted
Install package
- ``` shell
- <yarn|npm|pnpm> add -D ts-patch
- ```
Method 1: Live Compiler
The live compiler patches on-the-fly, each time it is run.
Via commandline:Simply use tspc(instead of tsc)
With tools such as ts-node, webpack, ts-jest, etc:specify the compiler asts-patch/compiler
Method 2: Persistent Patch
Persistent patch modifies the typescript installation within the node_modules path. It requires additional configuration to remain persisted, but it carries less load time and complexity compared to the live compiler.
Install the patch
- ``` shell
- # For advanced options, see: ts-patch /?
- ts-patch install
- ```
Add preparescript (keeps patch persisted after npm install)
- ``` js
- {
- /* ... */
- "scripts": {
- "prepare": "ts-patchinstall-s"
- }
- }
- ```
tsconfig.json: Add transformers to compilerOptionsin pluginsarray.
- ``` js
- {
- "compilerOptions": {
- "plugins": [
- // Source Transformers
- { "transform": "transformer-module" },
- { "transform": "transformer2", "extraOption": 123 },
- { "transform": "trans-with-mapping", "resolvePathAliases": true },
- { "transform": "esm-transformer,"isEsm":true},
- // Program Transformer
- { "transform": "transformer-module5", "transformProgram": true }
- ]
- }
- }
- ```
Plugin Options
| Option | Type | Description |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| transform| string| Module name or path to transformer (.ts or .js) |
| after| boolean| Apply transformer after stock TS transformers |
| afterDeclarations| boolean| Apply transformer to declaration (*.d.ts) files |
| transformProgram| boolean| Transform Program during ts.createProgram() (see: Program Transformers) |
| isEsm| boolean| Transformer is ES Module (note: experimental — requires esm) |
| resolvePathAliases| boolean| Resolve path aliases in transformer (requires tsconfig-paths) |
| type| string| See: Source Transformer Entry Point (default: 'program') |
| import| string| Name of exported transformer function (defaults to default export) |
| tsConfig| string| tsconfig.json file for transformer (allows specifying compileOptions, path mapping support, etc) |
| ...| | Provide your own custom options, which will be passed to the transformer |
Note: Required options are bold
Source Transformers
Source Transformers will transform the AST of SourceFiles during compilation, allowing you to alter the output of the JS or declarations files.
Source Transformer Entry Point
- ``` ts
- (program: ts.Program, config: PluginConfig, extras: TransformerExtras) => ts.TransformerFactory
- ```
PluginConfig: Type Declaration TransformerExtras: Type Declaration ts.TransformerFactory: (context: ts.TransformationContext) => (sourceFile: ts.SourceFile) => ts.SourceFile
Note: Additional legacy signatures are supported, but it is not recommended to develop a new transformer using them.
Source Transformer Example
Transformers can be written in JS or TS.
- ``` ts
- import type * as ts from 'typescript';
- import type { TransformerExtras, PluginConfig } from 'ts-patch';
- /** Changes string literal 'before' to 'after' */
- export default function (program: ts.Program, pluginConfig: PluginConfig, { ts: tsInstance }: TransformerExtras) {
- return (ctx: ts.TransformationContext) => {
- const { factory } = ctx;
- return (sourceFile: ts.SourceFile) => {
- function visit(node: ts.Node): ts.Node {
- if (tsInstance.isStringLiteral(node) && node.text === 'before') {
- return factory.createStringLiteral('after');
- }
- return tsInstance.visitEachChild(node, visit, ctx);
- }
- return tsInstance.visitNode(sourceFile, visit);
- };
- };
- }
- ```
Live Examples:
{ transform: "typescript-transform-paths" }
{ transform: "typescript-is/lib/transform-inline/transformer" }
{ transform: "typia/lib/transform" } (💻playground )
{ transform: "@nestia/core/lib/transform" }
Altering Diagnostics
Diagnostics can be altered in a Source Transformer.
To alter diagnostics you can use the following, provided from the TransformerExtrasparameter:
| property | description |
| :--- | :--- |
| diagnostics| Reference to Diagnostic array |
| addDiagnostic()| Safely add Diagnostic to diagnostics array |
| removeDiagnostic()| Safely remove Diagnostic from diagnostics array |
This alters diagnostics during emit only. If you want to alter diagnostics in your IDE as well, you'll need to create a LanguageService plugin to accompany your source transformer
Program Transformers
Sometimes you want to do more than just transform source code. For example you may want to:
TypeCheck code after it's been transformed
Generate code and add it to the program
Add or remove emit files during transformation
For this, we've introduced what we call a Program Transformer. The transform action takes place during ts.createProgram, and allows re-creating the Programinstance that typescript uses.
Program Transformer Entry Point
- ``` ts
- (program: ts.Program, host: ts.CompilerHost | undefined, options: PluginConfig, extras: ProgramTransformerExtras) => ts.Program
- ```
ProgramTransformerExtras>>> Type Declaration
Configuring Program Transformers
To configure a Program Transformer, supply "transformProgram": truein the config transformer entry.
Note: The before, after, and afterDeclarationsoptions do not apply to a Program Transformer and will be ignored
See Config Example
Program Transformer Example
- ``` ts
- /**
- * Add a file to Program
- */
- import * as path from 'path';
- import type * as ts from 'typescript';
- import type { ProgramTransformerExtras, PluginConfig } from 'ts-patch';
- export const newFile = path.resolve(__dirname, 'added-file.ts');
- export default function (
- program: ts.Program,
- host: ts.CompilerHost | undefined,
- options: PluginConfig,
- { ts: tsInstance }: ProgramTransformerExtras
- ) {
- return tsInstance.createProgram(
- /* rootNames */ program.getRootFileNames().concat([ newFile ]),
- program.getCompilerOptions(),
- host,
- /* oldProgram */ program
- );
- }
- ```
Note:For a more complete example, see Transforming Program with additional AST transformations
Live Examples:
{ transform: "@typescript-virtual-barrel/compiler-plugin", transformProgram: true }
Recommended Reading
How-To: Advice for working with the TS Compiler API
How-To: TypeScript Transformer Handbook
Article: How to Write a TypeScript Transform (Plugin)
Article: Creating a TypeScript Transformer
Recommended Tools
| Tool | Type | Description |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| TS AST Viewer| Web App| Allows you to see the Node structure and other TS properties of your source code. |
| ts-expose-internals| NPM Package| Exposes internal types and methods of the TS compiler API |
#compiler-internals-and-apion TypeScript Discord Server
TSP Discussions Board
Skips patch cache when patching via cli or live compiler.
Specify typescript library path to use for ts-patch/compiler(defaults to require.resolve('typescript'))
Override patch cache directory
(cli) ts-patch clear-cache
Cleans patch cache & lockfiles
| |
| :--- |
| Ron S.|
Help Wanted
If you're interested in helping and have a high levelof skill with the TS compiler API, please reach out!
This project is licensed under the MIT License, as described in